Yes, you can easily freeze buttercream frosting with food coloring or without for up to 3 months without any loss of quality. The key to freezing your buttercream frosting successfully is to make sure it is in an airtight container.

How to Freeze Buttercream Frosting
Whether you want to make buttercream frosting in advance of a party or you've made a large batch and can't use it all at once, you may want to freeze some of your buttercream frosting for later.
Making buttercream frosting is a little time-consuming especially if you're doing several different colors, So making it ahead and freezing it in portions to use for later is a great time saver.
The ways you can freeze it are very similar to those used when freezing cream cheese frosting, freezing pancake batter or freezing pudding.
Freezing buttercream frosting in a container
If you have a big batch of buttercream frosting and it is either not colored or all one color you can simply freeze it in an airtight container or freezer bag.
- Grab your freezer bag or airtight container.
- Carefully transfer your buttercream into the container or bag.

- If using a container it's best practice to fill the container almost completely with frosting so that there is not much air left in the container
- If using a freezer bag, make sure to carefully press as much air out of it when you seal the bag as possible.
- Label your bag or container with the date.
- Then, place your bag or container into your freezer.

Freezing buttercream frosting individually wrapped
Individually wrapping your buttercream frosting can be great if you want to freeze multiple colors, if you want to give it a little more protection from possible freezer burn or if you want to freeze it in smaller serving sizes so that you can take just a little out at a time.
- Start out by deciding how much you want to freeze in each individually wrapped segment.
- Then, take some plastic wrap and tear off a section that will fully encase your amount of buttercream frosting.
- Measure out the amount of frosting you want to freeze individually and place it in the center of your plastic wrap.
- Then, wrap the plastic wrap around your buttercream frosting. You can twist the ends of the plastic wrap to give it a good seal.
- Repeat this process as many times as you want for as many individual servings of buttercream frosting you are planning to freeze.
- Then, place all of your individually wrapped sections into a freezer bag or airtight container.
- Label your bag or container.
- Then, place your bag or container into your freezer.

Freezing Cakes, Cupcakes or Cookies with Buttercream Frosting
You already have a baked good such as a cake, cupcake or cookie that is frosted with buttercream frosting You can also easily freeze it. The main difference in freezing cupcakes or other baked goods compared to just plain buttercream frosting Is it you'll need to flash freeze the baked good before putting it in your freezer container.
- First, make sure that the cake, cupcake or cookie is thoroughly cooled.
- Next, you'll need to flash freeze your cupcake, cake or cookie to ensure that the frosting does not get smushed in the next steps.
- To flash freeze, simply place cake, cupcake or cookies on a cookie tray ensuring that they are not overlapping or touching. And place them in the freezer for an hour or so until the frosting is frozen.
- Next, individually wrap each item in plastic wrap.
- Then, place them into a freezer bag or airtight freezer safe container.
- Label your bag or container and place it into the freezer.

Supplies/Equipment Needed:
- Ziploc Bags
- Plastic Wrap
- Aluminum Foil
- Marker or Pen
- Airtight Freezer Container
How to Defrost Buttercream Frosting
The very best way to defrost your buttercream frosting is in the refrigerator. To do this, remove it from the freezer and pop it into the fridge overnight. Depending on how much you froze together, the defrost times may vary.
To give you an example, I froze around 1 cup in a freezer bag and it took it around 10 hours to fully defrost.
If you used freezer bags, you will find it difficult to get out of the bags as it sticks to the inside. The best way to get it all out without creating a mess is as follows:
- Lay the bag flat on your counter.
- Use the handle of a butter knife or pair of kitchen scissors to gently press all of the frosting down towards on end of the bottom of the bag.

- Use a pair of kitchen scissors to snip a small portion of the bottom of the bag off.
- Squeeze from the top down and press all of the frosting out of the hole in the bag.

How to Use thawed Buttercream frosting
Since thawed buttercream frosting has the same texture and quality as fresh buttercream frosting you can use it just the same as fresh. Some common uses are:
- frosting cupcakes
- frosting cakes
- frosting cookies or making cookie sandwiches
- making a fruit dip
- frosting brownies
Freezing Buttercream Frosting FAQ
How long does buttercream frosting last once defrosted?
As long as the buttercream frosting was frozen promptly after making, it can last for around 7 days once defrosted as long as it is kept in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
How long does buttercream frosting last in the freezer?
Buttercream frosting can last for up to 3 months without any loss of quality in the freezer. However, it is safe and definitely it just will suffer some quality loss.
Can you re-freeze buttercream frosting?
No, it is not a good idea to refreeze buttercream frosting once it has been frozen and thawed one time. There will be both a loss and quality and also it won't be as safe to eat.
How long does buttercream last in the fridge?
Buttercream frosting lasts for around 7 days in the fridge as long as it is in an airtight container.
Can you freeze Buttercream Frosting with food coloring?
Yes, you can freeze buttercream frosting with food coloring. It is the same process as freezing buttercream frosting without food coloring.
How to Freeze Buttercream Frosting
- airtight container
- marker or pen
- freezer bags
- plastic wrap
- Buttercream frostin homemade or store-bought
In Freezer Bag or Container
- Decide how much you will need when thawed and portion the frosting into those amounts.
- Carefully scoop the frosting into a freezer bag or airtight container.
- Press any air from the bag and zip it shut. Or, place the lid on your container.
- If using a freezer bag, then after zipping it shut, press the frosting flat in the bag to make it easy to stack in the freezer.
- Use a marker and write the date on the bag or container. Then, toss it into the freezer.
In wrapped Portions
- If you want to place several portions all together in a bag or container, you can do this by wrapping them first.Additionally, wrapping them provides a little extra protection while in the freezer. So, this is a good technique to use if it will be frozen for a long time.
- Portion out the frosting into the amount that you will need when it is defrosted.
- Tear off a sheet of plastic wrap large enough to completely wrap around the frosting portions.
- Put your portion of frosting in the middle of the plastic wrap and secure it around the frosting. You can twist each end of plastic wrap to help close it off.
- Repeat this for all portions.
- Toss your wrapped portions into a freezer bag or an airtight container. Seal them by pressing the air from the bag and zipping it closed. Or, securing the lid on the container.
- Put the date on the bag or container and toss it into the freezer.
On cupcakes, brownies, cakes or other baked goods
- Portion our your baked good. And, make sure it is completely cooled before moving to the next step.
- Place your portions on a cookie sheet in a single layer and pop into the freezer to flash freeze. Depending on how thick the frosting is, times may vary, but usually an hour or two will do it so the frosting is stiff enough to not get smushed and stick.
- Remove from the freezer, and if desired, wrap each portion in plastic wrap or aluminum foil for extra protection.
- Pop them into a freezer bag or airtight container.
- Seal them up by placing the lid on the container or pressing all air from the bag and zipping it shut.
- Write the date on the bag or container and then place it into the freezer.
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